
  • What is PID? - Comiso Coffee

    What is PID?

    The temperature of your water would fluctuate if your espresso machine wasn't equipped with a PID. This change in temperature can result in a significant change to your espresso's taste. PID controllers try to anticipate what may happen in the espresso machine's environment.
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  • Health Benefits of Espresso - Comiso Coffee

    Health Benefits of Espresso

    Espresso. Many of us imagine it dispersed in a latte or other espresso-based beverage. Others may picture that classic shot of espresso. The thick, caramel-colored crema, frothed on top of a small, but tenacious layer of dark liquid in a little demitasse cup sitting atop a matching saucer. But, no matter which way you like to enjoy your espresso, you will be supplying your body and mind with a whole ton of different benefits.
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