What is a Rotary Pump?

A rotary pump, sometimes known as a rotary vane pump works by rotating a disc that is offset by a cylindrical chamber. The disc also has segments, which are identified by veins. The veins reduce the size of the section and create pressure by pressing on the walls of the outer chamber. Water enters the larger areas while being pushed out as the size decreases.

Advantages of a Rotary Pump
Typically espresso machines with rotary pumps are more expensive than those with a vibratory pump. While this may seem like a disadvantage, the longevity of rotary pumps make this a worthwhile tradeoff. Here are just a few of the key benefits to a rotary pump espresso machine.
- Vibration pumps typically don't last as long as rotary pumps. Additionally, rotary pumps offer more constant pressure and are quieter than their vibratory counterparts.
- An espresso machine with a rotary pump has the advantage of being directly plumbed into the water supply. This eliminates the need to constantly refill the water tank and eliminates worries about running out of water.
- Almost immediately after turning the machine on, a rotary pump reaches full pressure, which is typically 8–9 bars depending on the machine setting. Additionally, it will maintain it there during the extraction. Vibration pumps typically rely on over pressure valves to change pressure and these are often not easily adjustable.
- Rotary pumps are notable for their durability and high quality materials. It is often the case that cafes have espresso machines with rotary pumps as they are more durable and can handle frequent use without losing quality.
For commercial environments, rotary espresso machines are easily the superior choice; however, if you're a home barista with a solid budget and need the best espresso shots, they are also worth considering.
To browse all of our rotary pump espresso machines, click here.